S01 E06: Animal Health and Welfare

In this episode, we discuss the impact of water scarcity and irrigation solutions and focus on how changing weather patterns have impacted water as a resource for farmers.
S01 E05: Animal Health and Welfare

The treatment of animals by producers is a widely discussed topic and there are many misconceptions about how animals are treated in the agriculture industry. In Episode 5 of the Digging In with UFA podcast, veterinarian and cattle producer Joyce Van Donkersgoed, along with producer and stand-up comedian, Dickson Delorme (AKA Quick Dick McDick), share their insights on this controversial issue.
S01 E04: The Changing Nature of Farming

In this episode, we examine the changing nature of farming and the viability of the family farm. Canadian producers have experienced a rise in costs especially when it comes to fertilizer, fuel, machinery, livestock, feed, land, labour and structures. There are so many elements that, as a consumer, are completely unseen in the process of farm to plate. Overall, the gap between the increased costs to consumers and the actual costs of food production is widening. In addition, there are complex regulations which can impact succession planning and handing down the family farm; and for first-time producers, the capital costs required up front make it very challenging to break into the sector. The farmer of today needs to wear many different hats in comparison to the farmer of twenty years ago.
S01 E03: Carbon Tax

In this episode, we examine the impact of the carbon tax on producers, particularly in the prairie provinces. The carbon tax has led to higher operating costs for farmers, including increased expenses for fuel, heating and transportation. These costs can significantly impact the profitability of farms, especially smaller operations. Producers often cannot pass on the increased costs to consumers due to the competitive nature of agricultural markets and this means that the additional expenses from the carbon tax directly affect their bottom line.
S01 E02: Antimicrobials and Antibiotics

When it comes to cattle production, the use of antibiotics and antimicrobials at large can sometimes create pause with the consumer. How do we keep our animals safe while assuring the food is safe for the public? How do we prevent antimicrobial resistance with responsible dosing? In this episode we dig into antimicrobials within cattle production.
S01 E01: Fertilzer Emission Reduction Targets

In this episode, we delve into the effects of Fertilizer Emission Reduction Targets on agriculture. Learn about key decision-makers and what these targets mean for farmers and consumers.